Candied Mandarin Orange Peel

If you still have mandarin oranges in your house (i still have plenty...), this is a good recipe to make use of them (the peels). For the fruits, you can make them into fruit juice, marmalade or even incorporate them into your desserts later; ie cakes or ice-cream.

For this recipe, I am using peels from 3 mandarin oranges to get approx. 3/4 cup of candied peels. You may double or triple the recipe as you like. Hope you'll enjoy my recipe!

Prep Time  : 15 mins
Cook Time : 130 mins
Total Time : 2 hours 25 mins
Makes       : approx. 3/4 cup of candied peel (+ 200ml of sugar syrup)

3 mandarin oranges rind
Castor sugar

1. Put the orange rind in a colander and pour boiling water over them. Scrub with a new sponge (*) to remove the wax and rinse under running tap water.

2. Place the rind in a small pot and fill with just enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil, and let simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and discard the water.

3. Repeat Step 2. Scrap away the pith/ white part underneath the rind with a knife. After two rounds of boiling, the rind should be soft enough to make the scraping easier.

4. Cut the rind into julienne or desired size. Return the julienne rind into the small pot and fill with 500ml water. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 30 mins. Strain and keep the water.

5. You should have around 300ml water. Add equal amount of sugar (in ml) to the water, add the julienne rind and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 40 mins or until the rind looks translucent. Turn off heat and leave the sugar syrup to cool slightly.

6. Strain the julienne rind from the syrup. (**) Arrange the julienne rind in one layer on a wire rack and let it bake in a preheated oven at lowest temperature for approx. 45 mins or until dry.

7. Immediately after removing from oven, toss the julienne rind in a shallow dish filled with 4 tablespoons of castor sugar. Using a thong, turn the julienne rind around so that each strip is well coated with castor sugar. Let the rind cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.

● In Step 5, I've 300ml water. Using a measurement cup, I've added 300ml of sugar. You don't have to purposely take out your kitchen scale for this, just use measurement cup will do.

● If you don't have an oven, you may let the rind to dry under the sun or simply leave it on the table. But be sure to arrange them in one layer.

(*) You may also use toothbrush to remove the wax.

(**) You should have around 200ml of sugar syrup. Keep it for making your desserts or drinks; ie coffee.

Make this recipe? Don't forget to snap a photo of it and tag #msyummyliciousrecipe on social media! I would love to see them! Enjoy my recipe!

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