Rice Cooker Chocolate Sponge Cake

I've mentioned previously in my Rice Cooker (RC) Pandan Sponge Cake post how much I adore cakes made from rice cooker because they are always moist and soft. I think cooking a cake in a rice cooker is similar to steam bake or water bath in oven. The cons of cooking with a rice cooker is you're stuck with one cooking pan only. But who cares if it's just for home consumption, as long as it's yummy, right!

Few weeks back, I make this chocolate sponge cake. It was a hit among my children and myself! This chocolate sponge cake is light. It's not too chocolatey and it's perfect for tea time or breakfast.

(Recipe adapted from yummy~licious - Rice Cooker Pandan Sponge Cake)
Prep Time  : 20 mins
Cook Time : 50 mins
Total Time : 1 hour 10 mins
Makes       : One 8" cake

5 eggs
100g cake flour
20g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
130g sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
70ml milk
4 Tbsp vegetable oil
A pinch of salt
Butter for coating

You will need a rice cooker bowl (approx. 8"), coat bottom and sides generously with butter.

1. Sift baking powder, cake flour and cocoa powder into a bowl. Set aside until needed.

2. Separate the egg whites from the yolk. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat egg whites until frothy. Then gradually add in sugar and beat until stiff peak. Add in the egg yolks, one at a time and beat until fully incorporated.

3. In another mixing bowl, combine milk, vanilla extract, vegetable oil, salt and half of the previously sieved flour mixture. Mix well using a whisk.

4. Add in 1/3 of the egg batter into the flour batter, and whisk gently to combined. Add in the other half of the previously sieved flour mixture, and again whisk gently to combined. When everything is well combined, add in the rest of the egg batter and using a whisk, mix well in a fold motion. Lastly using a spatula, get to the bottom of the batter and fold to mix evenly.

5. Pour batter into the rice cooker bowl and drop the bowl from a height on the kitchen countertop to release large air bubbles. Do it a few times.

6. Cook batter for 40 - 50 minutes, or until skewer inserted came out clean.

7. To Unmould: When done, let it rest in the rice cooker bowl for a few minutes. The cake would slightly shrink, making it to detach itself from all sides. If some parts are still sticking, gently tilt the cake to the opposite side so that the weight of the cake would pull itself away from the sides. After that, you may turn the rice cooker bowl upside down, with a wire rack to catch it at the bottom. Leave to cool before slicing the cake.

● I am using a 5.5cup (uncooked) rice cooker. The base of the rice cooker bowl is approx. 8".

● By using a whisk during mixing in Step 5, it will help to reduce the deflation of the egg batter.

Make this recipe? Don't forget to snap a photo of it and tag #msyummyliciousrecipe on social media! I would love to see them! Enjoy my recipe!

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Vietnamese Spread On New Year

...I've missed bloggng so much! ...
Hello all Yummy~licious lovelies! Happy New Year 2025! It has been such a long time since I last posted anything here. I've missed blogging so much! With the social media world evolving, blogging seems to be outdated. Even my daughter asked me what is blogging. Moreover, posting on Instagram & Facebook is a lot more convenient. But I've missed my Yummy~licious blog so much! Time to start posting here again.

Few days ago, I cooked a Vietnamese Spread for our New Year's dinner. It was yummylicious! My family gave it a two-thumbs up! The spread may seems complicated but it's actually very straight forward and easy. All you need is the recipes and cook it wth your heart!

I am going to include two recipes from this spread, which are the meatballs and the fried spring rolls. But if you need other recipe, please let me know in the comment section below or dm me in my Insta or FB.

Prep Time  : 15 mins (+3 hours marinate)
Cook Time : 10 mins
Total Time : 25 mins (+3 hours marinate)
Serves       : 2 - 3 pax

300g minced pork
1/2 Tbsp minced garlic
1 Tbsp minced shallots
1 Tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 Tbsp castor sugar
1½ Tbsp fish sauce
1/4 tsp black pepper ground
1/2 tsp chicken powder
1½ Tbsp caramel sauce (*) See notes below

3 cups water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup fish sauce
Chopped garlic & red chilli

1. In a bowl, add in all the ingredients and stir until the mixture is well combined. It should be slightly sticky. Marinate the mixture for 2-3 hours or overnight. (*) See notes below

2. In a frying pan, heat up 1 Tbsp of oil. Scoop out around a tablespoon of the pork mixture and roughly shape it into a round meatball with one hand. Then drop it on the frying pan. Repeat the process and shape the meatballs as you fry. (or you can shape the meatbals first before cooking)

3. It's going to be splatter, so cover the pan with a lid ajar. Fry/ semi steam the meatballs 2 minutes on each sides, or until fully cooked. The 'burnt' that you get on the meatballs are from the caramelization. It's what makes the meatballs extra yummy!

4. Serve the meatballs with Vietnamese fried spring rolls (refer recipe below) and Vietnamese vermicelli (bun kho). (*) See notes below

5. For the dipping, combine water, sugar and fish sauce in a pot. Bring to a boil and let i simmer until the sugar dissolved. Keep aside until needed. It is good to serve between lukewarm to room temperature and to serve each person with their own individual bowl of dipping, with chopped garlic and red chilli at the side. Chopped garlic and red chilli to be added in the dipping by the eater.

● Caramel Sauce : You can make the caramel sauce by diluting a tablespoon of maltose with a tablespoon of hot water. Or if you do not have maltose, you can use a tablespoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of water.

Step 1 : If you are marinating overnight, remember to take out the mixture from the fridge an hour before cooking.

Step 4 : Bun kho is a type of Vietnamese rice vermicelli. It is thicker and smoother than the usual vermicelli. You can get it online here or try your local asian grocery store.

Make this recipe? Don't forget to snap a photo of it and tag #msyummyliciousrecipe on social media! I would love to see them! Enjoy my recipe!

Prep Time  : 45 mins (+3 hours marinate)
Cook Time : 20 mins
Total Time : 65 mins (+3 hours marinate)
Makes       : 6 - 7 spring rolls

6 - 7pcs rice paper (22cm) (*) See notes below
150g minced pork
6 large prawns (deshelled and chopped)
1/4 stick carrot (fine julienne)
1/4 pc yam/ taro (fine julienne) (*) See notes below
5g glass noodle (soaked to soften, then cut iinto 1" length)
1 pc medium-sized wood ear fungus (fine julienne)
1/2 Tbsp minced garlic
1/2 Tbsp minced shallots
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp castor sugar
1/2 tsp chicken powder
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1 egg white

1. In a bowl, add in all the ingredients and stir until the mixture is well combined. It should be slightly sticky. Marinate the mixture for 2-3 hours or overnight.

2. Prepare a shalow dish with tepid water. Submerge the rice paper fully in the water for 5 seconds. Remove and place it on your plate/ board.

3. Take around 2-3 tablespoons of meat mixture and place it at the 1/3 bottom of the rice paper, towards you. Arrange the meat mixture in the shape of a log.

4. Fold the bottom part upward, laminating the meat mixture, and then both sides inward. Now begin rolling tighhtly, awaiding any air bubbles. Place the spring roll on an oiled plate and repeat the process until all the meat mixture is used up.

5. In a wok, use medium high heat to heat up enough oil for deep frying.

6. Gently drop the spring roll into the oil, one at a time. Allow the first spring roll to form a crust before dropping another spring roll into the oil. Fry 2-3 spring rolls at a time with each spring roll 5 minutes.

● Rice Paper : If you cannot get 22cm, a smaller 16cm will do too. Then you will have more spring rolls.

● Yam/ Taro : Depending on the size of your yam, you might need 1/4 pc or less. The amount after julliened should be more or less the same as julienne carrot.

Make this recipe? Don't forget to snap a photo of it and tag #msyummyliciousrecipe on social media! I would love to see them! Enjoy my recipe!

Note : I am sorry for the lack of photos as I did not anticipate to be blogging about it. Will top up with more photos when I make again k!

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