...if you have not join Yummy Giveaway, you can still join now...
Happy 1st Month Blogoversary, Yummy~licious! Yes, today the 5th, is exactly a month since i've started blogging with my second collection: Yummy~licious! In conjunction with Yummy 1st Month Blogoversary, I am hosting a giveaway, giving away a set of beauti~licious bunny dishware. If you have not join, don't worry, you can still join now. Click on the badge below to join or find out more.

- Download the template.
- Go to your dashboard, click on 'Design' → 'Edit HTML'.
- Click on 'Choose File' - choose the template that you've just downloaded → 'Upload'
- Done.

P/S: Please let me know if you are using my Coffee template, coz i need to give you the html for the search box.