Our Sweet Princess Julie M. Soo

...born on 23 March 2013 @ 8.52am, weighing at 2.67kg, and measuring at 47cm...

Please allow me to introduce a new family member to you guys. This is our sweet princess Julie Martin Soo, Soo Sum Ee. She was born on 23 March 2013 @ 8.52am at Tropicana Madical Centre. Weighing at 2.67kg and measuring at 47cm at time of birth. Julie looks exactly like her sister, Julia. Isn't she adorable?

For those who do not know, Julia was our eldest daugther, whom is now in heaven. We love to think that she is our guardian angel, and now she is Julie's guardian angel. I am sure Julia is very happy to see her sister. Mommy and Daddy will always remember you, our dearest Julia! 

Julie is now a week old. She is very strong. At day 2, she is able to lift her head up and shook her head in disagreement. She can kicks very hard. My hubby & I wonder if it is because of the milk I drank during pregnancy. Anyway, it's good that she is strong. It would be a lot easier to take care of her.

I am now trying to adapt to the motherhood world of sleepless nights. It was scary at first. I feared that i would not be able to handle her because she cries alot. But the fear has disappeared now as i am slowly beginning to understand her routine. And thanks to my hubby who is always there giving me support. Together, we will raise Julie and shower her with all our loves and might!

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