Order Your Fresh Seafood Online

...been such a long time since i last blogged, i miss you guys...
Hello, peeps! How are you guys? It's been such a long time since i last blogged. I've always been missing yummy~licious and you guys, namely Marzie, Ladyjava, Emila, Shemah, Caroline, Monica, Ane, Bella, Bluedreamer and Gagay. And now i finally have time to blog, I am so happy!

Do you guys know that online purchasing have been such an 'in' thing nowadays? I've been making a lot of online purchases. Why not? I can buy my favourite stuffs at the comfort of my own home or while i am on the go. Just a few clicks on my lappie/ note 2, i've done my shopping. No need to go through the hassle of finding carpark at shopping mall and no need to walk all around the mall to find my stuffs.

But you know what? I've just discovered another interesting website for my online shopping addiction! It's about my favourute food ~ SEAFOOD!! Quality seafood delivered directly to your door! Cool eh? Yes, it's buying your seafood online and what's more cool is that they do the seafood delivery the next day so you don't have to wait long. All you have to do is just order seafood online.

My favourite is this, Lobster feast for two, which includes:
Smoked Albacore Tuna
Sea Scallops
2 Potatoes Stuffed with Shrimp, Broccoli and Cheddar
Simply West Coast Organic Marinade/Sauce
2 Atlantic Lobster Tails 6-7 Ounces Each (from a 1 1/2 Lb Lobster)

It's a perfect feast for your special occasion. Speaking of which, my anniversary is just around the corner. Hmm.... maybe i shall order my fresh seafood online. But i need to check out if they do delivery to Malaysia a not.

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