Caramel Sauce

Timing is very important when making caramel sauce. As Eugenie said, you need to get all ingredients ready next to your stove-top because everything happens so fast, you don't have time to step away. Tho' it may sounds some what complicated, but once you know the timing, it is superbly easy. I've enclosed Eugenie's video for easy understanding.

You can use this caramel sauce in your drinks, ice-cream, cupcakes, popcorn or any other desserts. Hope you'll have fun making this caramel sauce as I did!

(Recipe Source from Eugenie Kitchen)

Prep Time  : 3 mins
Cook Time : 10 mins
Total Time : 13 mins
Makes       : around 1 cup

1 cup caster sugar
50g unsalted butter, cold
1/2 cup heavy cream, cold
1 tsp vanilla extract
A pinch of salt

1. In a thick-bottomed sauce pan, cook the sugar over medium high heat. Once your sugar just start browning, quickly stir with a wooden spoon. Stir until sugar turn golden amber. Remove from heat.

2. Quickly add in the cold butter and whisk until well incorporated.

3. Add in the heavy cream carefully and whisk in fast pace until well incorporated. It is ok to see alot of bubbles and foam at this stage. It is just the reaction of the liquid on hot caramel.

4. Finally add in the vanilla extract and salt. Transfer to a heat-proof jar and let it cool.

● It would easier to have a light colour base sauce pan so that you can monitor the colour changes easily.

● Can be stored in refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Make this recipe? Don't forget to snap a photo of it and tag #msyummyliciousrecipe on social media! I would love to see them! Enjoy my recipe!

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